Foot Reflexology
Lymphatic drainage
Neuromuscular bandage
Center “Osteoclass”
Monday to Saturday: from 9:00 to 14:00 & 16:00 to 20:00
Sunday: from 09:00 to18:00
Osteopathy is a discipline whose maxim lies in the holistic vision of the human body, understanding this as a unit, and not as an independent set of organs and structures. Starting from this premise, osteopathic treatments are aimed at relief through the recovery of the general balance.
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To this concept is added the application of homeostasis, that is, the property of living organisms to maintain a stable condition by compensating internal and external exchanges.
With this background, we find in osteopathy an instrument dedicated to preserving all organic functions in their perfect activity.
This discipline was developed by Andrew Taylor Still in 1874, and is currently recognized by the World Health Organization.
Craniosacral Osteopathy
It is a type of integral body therapy that uses very light touch to evaluate and facilitate the cranio-sacral system. It is focused on correcting imbalances produced in this system, that is, in the membranes and fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.
It is a therapy based on a holistic vision of the human being that integrates the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. It aims to promote the health and well-being of the body, treating the person as a functional globality, although focusing on the optimal functioning of the central nervous system through the adjustment of the “tides” of the cerebrospinal fluid. Craniosacral therapy dates back to 1970 and was developed by osteopathic doctor John Upledger on the premise that the whole body responds to the rhythmic activity of the craniosacral system. This therapy is based on an approach popularized by Dr. William Sutherland, an osteopath from the 1900s.
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Principles of craniosacral therapy
Craniosacral therapy is based on the following five principles established by Dr. Sutherland:
- Cerebrospinal fluid fluctuation
- The inherent movement of the reciprocal tension membrane system
- The motility of the nervous system
- The mobility of the cranial bones
- The involuntary movement of the sacrum among the iliacs
What is craniosacral therapy?
People who receive such a session are placed on the stretcher. From this position, the therapist uses his ability to establish a state of presence leading his mind to a state of stillness, as well as other own resources, as part
fundamental of his work.
One of the resources that the therapist uses is the connection with his primary breathing, which is the involuntary movement that the simultaneous functioning that the five principles mentioned cause in the body. Using a soft touch adjusted to each client, the therapist is attentive and receptive during the process in order to create a safe therapeutic relational atmosphere, so that the potential for improvement and knowledge about what has to happen to go can be displayed. tuning in with the entire body of the client.
Thus the therapist is able to detect restriction of the movement of primary breathing manifested in stagnations of all body fluids. With his hands, the therapist drives the fluid to return lost mobility to the tissues. It is important to note that the therapist who uses craniosacral therapy does not force the client’s organism, so that he will not be seen to do something for which he is not prepared, moreover, his own system marks the guidelines of the recovery and improvement process.
Gradually, the client reaches states of understanding and deep rest, in addition to easily achieving relaxation and increasing their resilience, thus reconnecting with more own resources.
Lymphatic drainage
The lymphatic system fulfills a double function:
- Purification, by eliminating toxins and waste substance from the body
- Protection, by modulating the response of the immune system against bacteria, viruses and other foreign substances that may reach inside the body.
The first of these functions involves avoiding the accumulation of liquids and the absorption of fat and soluble vitamins from the digestive tract to transport them through the circulatory system, of which it is a part.
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Therefore, lymphatic drainage is a type of massage, soft and light, that is applied to the circulatory system and whose objective is to mobilize the body’s fluids to favor the elimination of waste substances that accumulate in the liquid that occupies the space between the cells Hence, one of the main applications of lymphatic drainage is in fluid retention, although in aesthetic medicine it is also used in the treatment of cellulite, circulation problems, tired legs, healing processes, acne, edema, etc. The benefits of lymphatic drainage in all these fields are due to:
- It helps reabsorb liquids.
- It has a sedative action on pain.
- Reduce inflammation.
- It helps improve the body’s defenses.
- It produces a relaxation effect, so it is recommended
For stress situations.
The lymphatic drainage is a good treatment for the skin, since it favors the circulation of the blood helping to not form bags and wrinkles. Normally, Another of the most important applications of lymphatic drainage focuses on the postoperative processes of cosmetic surgery interventions, since it helps accelerate the healing of tissues, prevents edema, reduces inflammation and pain and increases quality of the scar.
Stress, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, lack of rest or bad postures are habits that cause tensions in our bodies, and various dysfunctions that can degenerate into diseases that can be prevented thanks to techniques such as the one that has been present in all Cultures and traditions since ancient times: Chiromassage!
Chiromassage is based on the mechanical action of the hands on the skin with movements – which we call manipulations – performed with a specific rhythm and speed, and which have their most immediate effect on the skin, the nervous system, the circulatory system or the musculoskeletal system, among others. Soft tissues are massaged to relax or stimulate them.
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Direct effects
Chiromassage is a technique that provides a great well-being to the body, generally these direct effects are:
- Stimulation of blood circulation
- Lymph circulation stimulation
- Eliminates soft tissue adhesions
- It favors the peristaltic movement of the colon
- Blood oxygenation
- Stimulation or relaxation of muscles and tendons (depending on the technique)
- Relaxation of the central nervous system
- Increase tissue permeability
- Encourages the production of enzymes
- It favors the mood
Foot Reflexology
What is foot reflexology and what benefits does it have?
It has all happened to us that, after many hours of work or walking, the foot pain is unbearable. Situation that causes our general physical condition to be impaired. And it seems that with that pain the rest of our body is affected, since the feet are the pillars where we hold. And not only that, in the feet we can find a lot of information about our body. Reflexology, the technique we will discuss in this post, is based on these two pillars, the feet, where we can find the rest of the body represented.
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We can define foot reflexology as a therapeutic technique based on the stimulation of points on the feet, called reflex zones. These reflex zones correspond to different parts of the body, so that by indirectly massaging them or reflecting (hence the name of the therapy) the organs, muscles or other parts of the body receive a healing stimulus. Of course, in addition to this reflex effect, there is a very important and useful local effect on the feet to treat and prevent many of their problems. For its realization, no substance or tool is required other than the hands themselves, although some oil is used to massage more easily and fluidly. Therefore, the technique is performed by applying a manual massage that applies pressure on reflex areas of the feet with which specific effects are achieved in other parts of the body.
Thanks to this ancestral therapeutic technique, we can obtain multiple benefits on our health since the set of discomforts and tensions that reflexology can treat is very broadamplio
- It produces a relaxing effect that helps eliminate stress and facilitates physical and mental relaxation.
- It stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation.
- Boosts the immune system and the body’s self healing potential.
. - Regulates the functioning of body organs.
- Balances and restores energy levels.
- It helps to eliminate toxins.
- It has preventive therapy effects.
- It has a calming effect
- It is not contraindicated in adolescents, children, pregnant women and the elderly.
- Stimulates creativity, raises the level of vitality and improves mood.
Neuromuscular bandage
The neuromuscular bandage provides stability and support to the muscles and joints without restricting the range of motion, basing its action on the somatosensory stimulation, relieving discomfort and facilitating lymphatic drainage, thanks to the microscopic lifting of the skin. This small survey increases the drainage of the tissues, the tension in the area is reduced, the space is decompressed and the discomfort decreases.
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It is made with a very high percentage of cotton, around 96% being the rest of polyurethane and latex free. The back side is covered with a hypoallergenic adhesive with tiny waves that prevent perspiration and favor perspiration, thus preventing the accumulation of moisture in the area and it is estimated that longitudinally it has an elasticity of 140-160%, resembling the elasticity of the skin, however being a rigid bandage in the transverse direction. The neuromuscular bandage is water resistant and allows quick drying, so it is compatible with daily grooming and the practice of water sports activities, but is indicated for single use with a duration of around 3-5 days .
Monday to Saturday: from 9:00 to 14:00 & 16:00 to 20:00
Sunday: from 09:00 to 18:00
Av. General López Domínguez, 4, 29603 Marbella, Málaga, España